January 31, 2009

Even at the end of the day...

We can still manage a smile...even when we are exhausted (and it looks like Emily thinks we're nuts)....and rocking (both??) babies.

January 27, 2009

Adventures in folding clothes

Just a cute tidbit-
I was ATTEMPTING to fold clothes this morning....Chase decided that I needed help and that he was the man for the job. So, we embarked on the concepts of separating, of piles and of folding (I use this term loosely when referring to what Chase was actually doing) He then decided he wanted to 'put the clothes away mommy' so we began the adventure of drawers being used for specific purposes....yadda yadda yadda. Needless to say, there are shirts, pants and socks in any and every drawer in his dresser.

I must say, his enthusiasm is fantastic. I would have him as my wing man any day.

January 15, 2009

Brother Tommy, sister-in-law Amy and our niece Alyssa

Found these pics of my brother and his family on their facebook site....I love them. Now I just need a current one with ALL of them in it. : )

January 14, 2009

Just a Little Update

Snapped a few pics of our children this afternoon before their naps....just because.
We all went to MOPS this morning- Emily enjoyed all the attention she got from our friends there. While in the nursery, Chase created a couple of WONDERFUL pictures that are now hanging up on our refrigerator. Chase has begun speaking in complete sentences here and there. He is talking so well. Over the past few days, it almost seems as if Emily is about to roll over from belly to back- she is really strong.
Michael continues his search for a new job and is flying contract in the meantime- so far so good. Please pray for him and for us as we navigate our way through this. As unstable as things are right now, we believe that this is actually a really good thing. Sudden undeniable clarity.
I will begin subbing/teaching my fitness classes again at (most) of the usual places when I can, to help out. It was something I intended to do anyways- I'm just doing it a little sooner. Will speed up and finish my Personal Training cert and should take the ACE exam sometime before April. I had taken a couple months away from it with the arrival of Emily.
Pipey and Chiefy are doing great - and both have been wonderful with Emily. Chief turned 4 on Dec 19th and Pipey will turn 7 on March 24!! I can't believe he is 7 years old. Piper loves the cold weather we've been having, and, well, Chiefy doesn't. Santa brought them each a new collar and name tag for Christmas- Piper got a new ring, Chief got a few yummy treats..... and loves to steal Piper's new ring from him......he's the retrieving boxer.
Note about our Christmas Pic: we intended to have Piper and Chief in the pic with us, they are members of our family afterall....did get a few (terrible) shots with them in it....we were exhausted and sweating to death in an effort to keep them next to us and not charging the photographer- Never got a shot we liked. I'll hold out for it to work next year. Yes, Michael, you were right .....

Lots of Love,
Mike & Kimmie