June 15, 2011

Emily's first gymnastics class

Emily had her first gymnastics class last night.....she did really well, was very attentive and had a lot of fun.  We are so proud of our little firecracker  : )

June 12, 2011

All things Baseball : )

Our family formed an entirely amazing cheering section for Chasey's Closing Ceremony/All Star game on Saturday, June 11th ( & Kylie's birthday)  Chasey (and Emily)  loved having cousins Kimberly, Kylie, Matt, Taylor, Auntie Robyn, Auntie Maria (or 'Ria' as our children call her) Uncle Tracy, Uncle Jeff, and of course, MeMaw and PawPaw.... 

We were also lucky enough to host Chasey's end of season team party- bouncy house, hot dogs and ice creams a few weeks ago.