July 28, 2008

Dance! July 28, 2008

Here is Chasey's latest, and very low key, dance video...Chase has learned our real names, and has decided that Mike and I are to be called 'Mike' and 'Immie' instead of mommy & daddy these days....This too will pass, I suppose.

July 15, 2008

July 15, 2008 - Dallas gets rain!

And Chasey decided to play in it. Daddy has been out of town - Washington, Oregon, Wyoming.... and is now in Canada.....we miss you daddy!!! So we decided to post a few pics to show you that Chase is working hard taking care of your lawn...

July 11, 2008

July 11th, 2008- Strawberry eating, Eye-making Chase Pic of Chasey giving mommy the head down, eyes up "oh no you di ' int' look during breakfast.

Chase decided this morning to climb out of a play-yard mommy briefly placed him in while posting his pics online....fell straight to the floor (only about 2 1/2 feet), stunned and crying. Needless to say mommy was initially shocked and horrified to see he had escaped. However, all is well with our little tank.

July 5, 2008

4th of July 2008!

We had such a great time in Forney, TX at Todd's parents' beautiful home. Grace and Chase fell in love all over again....and the fireworks were literally panoramic. We love ya'll -