May 23, 2009

Rat story....ONE year ago.... what a great laugh

Many of you may remember Chase's 'rat' story from May of last year ....we think it's worthy of republishing the email we sent out regarding the 'situation'..... good read and a laugh. : ) Seems like a lifetime ago already.

"Okay, I'm straightening up a bit this morning, and let Chase out into the backyard to play- when he comes into the house saying 'Mommy, Mommy, this', the sun is shining directly into the window, so all I see is a shadow of his little body coming towards me, left arm held high with something in it.....when he gets within about 2 feet of me, I see he is carrying a rat, by it's tail!!!! (I have no idea if it is dead or alive at this point) I jump straight up about 5 feet into the air and begin screaming bloody murder- begging to him to drop what he now, he begins to cry and (still holding onto his prize) is now running towards me even faster because I have scared him and he wants me to hold him...... I'm afraid to go any closer to him because I have no idea when he will launch this rat (is it alive or is it dead???) at me, so I try desperately to calm down and say, 'Chasey, just throw that down, throw it over there (as I point to another direction) '

He finally throws this rat clear across our living room (thank goodness it didn't end up on our couch) and I scoop him up hugging him like we had just survived some major catastrophe....and I threw him in the kitchen sink and washed him up as quickly and well as I could.

Sheesh - It was all of about 45 seconds of action, butneedless to say, this practically gave me a heart attack and almost sent me into early labor...... our son is all-boy that's for sure. "

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